Three days into science work on the cruise, and it’s all starting to feel quite familiar

by Penny Holliday

We’re coming to the end of the third full day of science work, and in that very short time the science team of DY054 has settled into a kind of a routine that goes like this: day work is recovering and re-deploying our moorings, and nights are spent doing CTDs and releasing floats.

I cant speak for everyone of course, but it does feel to me as though we’ve found our routine pretty quickly. The scientists that I’ve been training up have been extremely quick to learn what they need to do, and seem to be enjoying themselves so far! The excellent food that is produced by the galley team is a large part of that enjoyment and there is much discussion about how on earth to manage not to put on weight during the cruise. There seem to be three main camps: try to eat in moderation; exercise like a demon to work off those 3 cooked meals a day (plus pudding); or just accept it and plan to lose the weight later. I’m in the first group – let’s see how well that goes!

Another key factor working at sea is of course the weather – and so far it has been kind to us, and I am keeping my fingers crossed that it stays that way.


Final stage of mooring deployment


Deploying a RAFOS float


Attaching a currentmeter to a mooring


Mia, Anna, and Amanda


Roald, Feili, and Zoltan on starboard deck


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