The OSNAP fall workshop was held on November 22, 2022.
OSNAP Time Series Update
Yao Fu (Georgia Tech)
The Oxygen Budget in the Labrador Sea and its Variability
Jannes Koelling (Dalhousie University)
Updating the LNADW Circulation in the Subpolar Gyre
Emma Worthington (RSMAS)
Impact of Irminger Gyre Densification on Seasonal Restratification Dynamics
Monica Nelson (Scripps, UC San Diego)
The 53N Array from Remote Sensing: Combining in situ Data and Satellite Altimetry
Jörg Fröhle (GEOMAR)
Exceptional Freshening and Cooling in the Eastern Subpolar North Atlantic Caused by Reduced Labrador Sea Surface Heat Loss
Alan Fox (SAMS)
Response of AMOC to Variability in Surface Wind Stress on Different Scales
Margarita Markina (University of Oxford)