The RRS Discovery entering the Rockall Trough, with the Seaglider Bowmore (in pink) and a dophin-whale (thanks Dom for the crafting). Photo by Loic Houpertphoto by Anna SimpsonPart of the SAMS team (from left to right: myself, Stuart, Estelle, John) during recovery of one of the SAMS mooring, with Zlotan (a.k.a IT guru) and Mark (blue helmet). photo by Loic Houpertphoto by Dasha Atamanchukphoto by by Anna Simpsonphoto by Dasha AtamanchukHappy selfie after the recovery of Bowmore, with our two glider experts (Estelle and Karen). photo by Loic Houpertphoto by Amanda Kowalski by Anna Simpsonphoto by Amanda Kowalski, Wallly, and Tommy. photo by Mia TaylorFeili and a float called Feili. photo by Penny HollidayDeploying a RAFOS float. photo by Penny HollidayAttaching a current meter to a mooring. photo by Penny Hollidayphoto by Mathilde Jutrasphoto by Anna Simpsonphoto by Greg Siddallphotos by Amanda Kowalski by Amanda Kowalski by Penny Hollidayphoto by Loic HoupertRecovering Mooring K7. Photo by Sunke SchmidtkoRecovering the flotation sphere for mooring CF4 with an iceberg in the background. Pictured from left to right: Andrew Davies, Pete Liarikos, John Kemp and Brian Hogue. Photo by Isabela Alexander-Astiz Le Bras